Prodromal Labor: In Pregnancy, Contraction, Signs, And Causes

What Is Prodromal Labor?

Prodromal labor is a kind of labor that starts and stops before actual active labor begins. You’re big? You’re tired? Feeling a lot of pain carrying yourself? Having difficulties while you are sleeping? And a lot more.

Prodromal labor

But, you must be happy, as you are going to welcome your sweet little baby into this world, who has been staying in your tummy for so long. With Every Pain, You feel, Is That A Contraction? Well, Let’s Grind Out.

Prodromal Labor Defination?

Prodromal Labor, also known as pre-labor, latent labor, is also considered as false labor which makes pregnant women bewildered, restless, and in a confused state but it is a misnomer.

Prodromal Labor Contractions

It is a type of labor that happens before the full active labor but many women have described it as real contractions. The prodromal labor contractions caused by this labor may come and go in a short span.

It is a common occurrence mentioned by pregnant ladies in the last few weeks of their pregnancy. This pain comes at the same time, each day or at regular intervals, and can be an irritating experience for some.

We have seen that many new mommies or even experienced moms, end up calling their doctor thinking that their actual labor begins but in most cases find out as false labor, as prodromal labor can start a few weeks or even months before the actual delivery.

But, the good news is that it is now quite common and there is no such issue, and you don’t need to take stress about it, as it usually passes in a few minutes.

Prodromal Labor Vs. Real Labor

Prodromal labor is not as intense or painful as real labor can be. For mom blogger Leah Outten who experienced prodromal labor with four out of six of her pregnancies, prodromal labor contractions were indeed different.

Outten found that her active, real labor contractions tended to get closer together and grow in intensity, while the prodromal contractions pretty much stayed the same, even if they happened over a long period of time.

Prodromal Labor Signs

Wondering how on earth you’ll know if it’s go-time when you start contracting? Here are a few prodromal labor signs to look for:

Your water broke. If it’s real work, your body might be giving you clues in other ways. For example, if your water is leaking or you’re having a bloody show, it’s probably the real deal. Drinking water does not end your prodromal labor symptoms.

Your contractions are actually prodromal labor, guzzling a lot of water or taking a warm shower will stop them completely. That’s because water can relax smooth muscles in the body, such as – you guessed it – the muscles of the uterus.

How Long Can Prodromal Labor Last?

If your contractions are the real deal, however, no amount of chugging water or bathing is going to stop them. Your contractions are 5/10 minutes apart. A pregnant woman with their first baby to wait to go to the hospital until they experience a pattern of contractions that are painful enough to take your breath away, last 45 seconds to one minute, and occur every five minutes for two hours. “You’re looking for a very regular pattern of painful contractions. 

You should really feel uncomfortable, ”he explains. Prodromal labor can be a frustrating experience for moms-to-be who go through it, but if you do encounter it, just keep in mind that it’s a natural process your body is going through to get ready for the main event.

Your body is doing what it needs to do to prepare and just like with motherhood, we all do things a little differently, even when it comes to prodromal labor and contractions. Trust your body and when in doubt, head to the hospital to get checked if you think you might be in labor.

What Causes Prodromal Labor?

There seem to be several potential causes of prodromal labor, but no official cause or consensus in the medical community. Most sources agree that prodromal labor is the body’s way of preparing for real labor, and some things that may contribute are:

The baby’s position in the womb – Many sources think that prodromal labor may be the body’s way of trying to move the baby into the correct position for labor. Basically, the uterus tries to move the baby with contractions for several hours and eventually stops if it doesn’t work, only to start again after resting. This theory may make sense as moms with a baby in breech position are more likely to experience these early contractions (this was true in my case).

Pelvic Or Uterine Abnormality – It seems that some women are more prone to prodromal labor than others, leading some sources to think that it may relate to an uneven pelvis or uterine abnormality.

Emotions Or Anxiety – Another theory is that prodromal labor is more likely in women who are anxious or concerned about their birth or who are experiencing a lot of stress.

More Than Three Pregnancies – There are definitely exceptions feature Articles, but prodromal labor seems to be more common in moms who have had at least three children. Perhaps there is an element of the way the uterus changes or relaxes after several pregnancies.

Facts About Prodromal Labor Induction

Some health conditions require medical labor induction. It is, however, alarming that today labor induction is becoming a norm. It is essential that the potential risks to the mother and baby are cautiously considered before medical labor induction. Natural labor-inducing remedies, such as safe and effective maternity acupressure methods, could be beneficial in case prodromal labor induction is necessary.

Medical labor inductions have recently become a standard procedure in many hospitals. It is shocking that today, as many as 1 in 5 laborers are medically induced. Naturally, there are some pre-existing medical conditions that require concluding the pregnancy, even before the due date.

In some cases, the baby may have a congenital condition that requires special medical attention. Labor induction may be necessary also if the amniotic membranes have broken, but the prodromal labor has not started within two days or the mother has a serious infection, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

Spinning Babies Prodromal Labor 

In these cases, medical induction in a highly controlled environment may be necessary. It’s, however, important to carefully consider the potential risks as compared to the benefits that prodromal labor induction may have to the mother or the baby.

Before medical labor induction, the mother’s cervix and pelvic are examined and the baby’s presentation and size are estimated. Based on these examinations, doctors decide which methods of labor induction and prodromal labor inducers are used, and evaluate the need for repeat induction or cesarean delivery.

If the cervix is ​​not ripe, mechanical dilation methods will be used before the medical labor induction, with the intention to make the cervix more favorable for labor. These medical methods include osmotic and hygroscopic dilators, Atad Ripener Device, and the Foley catheter.

Administration of synthetic prostaglandins into the vagina, in the form of gel or insert, could also be used in order to help the cervix ripen before medical labor induction. When necessary, the medical ripening of the cervix is ​​usually started in the evening and continued through the night.

How To Speed Up Prodromal Labor 

To start prodromal labor contractions, the uterus is stimulated with synthetic drugs such as Oxytocin, Misoprostol, or Mifepristone. These medicines are administered through an intravenous (IV) catheter placed in one’s hand or arm, or orally as tablets.

As sensitivity to these medicines, and the timeframe in which the drugs work, differ from an expectant mother to another, correct administration of the labor-inducing drugs can be challenging. Due to the fact that medication used for cervical ripening and prodromal labor induction can cause complications, continuous monitoring of fetal heart rate and uterine activity is compulsory during induction and prodromal labor.

How To Turn Prodromal Labor Into Real Labor

The biggest, and probably the most frustrating, risk of labor induction is that it takes days for the prodromal labor to start or it doesn’t work at all. If you are having a prodromal labor induction for your first birth, the risks are typically greater.

Medical studies have found that compared to mothers who start labor naturally, prodromal labor induction at least doubles the risk of cesarean birth (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, April 2005). If the cervix is ​​not ripe, the chances for cesarean birth are even higher. Medical labor induction also tends to lead to longer labor and increases the use of vacuum or high forceps for delivery.

Medical labor induction could be very stressful, thus, it’s recommended to encourage labor to start naturally using well-known and safe remedies business, such as maternity acupressure method. Stimulation of specific acupressure points helps the cervix to ripen and the baby to engage.

Some other acupoints stimulate labor contractions. What is wonderful is that maternity acupressure doesn’t overstimulate the womb and it’s easy to use because acupressure is simply applying pressure on specific pressure points along your body. With basic instructions, you can use it safely at home to encourage the work to start naturally.

The Safe Way To Induce Naturally Labor

Maternity acupressure is 93% effective in women who use it as their method for labor induction. It is so wonderful and the body responds so well to it, that it actually cuts down labor time by 2 hours, and reduces pain as well !!! It is really the only way to go if you are considering inducing labor naturally!

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I was absolutely terrified! It was a planned conception, and we were so excited, but the thought of giving birth had my stomach doing summersaults. As the days and weeks passed, I thought more and more about holding my tiny little baby in my arms for the very first time, and more and more about what my work would be like.

I remember asking every woman I could find, who had already had a child, and asked them what labor felt like. Sharp cramps, severe pain, the worst menstrual cramp you have ever had multiplied times 100… and on and on they went. By the time I was 40 weeks, I had seen countless episodes of labor and delivery on Discovery Health, read every conceivable pregnancy magazine, Googled every question I could think of, and still was terrified.

Prodromal Labor Vs Early Labor

My due date was January 8, but by December I was ready! I had gained a total of 50 lbs and was miserable. I wanted this baby out! My husband and I thought it would be awesome to have the New Years’ baby, so we did everything that is supposed to induce labor naturally. From castor oil to red raspberry leaf tea and nothing happened.

I read that can naturally induce prodromal labor in 2 ways. First during orgasm, as it makes the uterus contract already, and second by prostaglandins found in semen that thin out the cervix to allow for dilation. The castor oil and red raspberry leaf tea are supposed to cause contractions, but all I got out of my efforts was a stomachache and frequent urination due to the amount of tea I drank… no baby!

So my due date came and went, and my doctor told me I needed to be induced because my amniotic fluid was too low. So I was induced, and it was horrible. After 9 hours of intense labor and no break between contractions, they came to me with an ultimatum.

Prodromal Labor At Night

I either get an epidural (which I didn’t want) so I can get some rest because, by the looks of it (I was only 3 cm), it was going to be a long night, OR I could stick it out with no pain management, but the Pitocin they were about to give me, would cause even more horrible contractions and they wouldn’t be able to help with the pain after the Pit. drip was started.

So I got the epidural, and they rigged me up to the Pitocin. Within minutes the baby’s heart rate dropped below healthy levels, and they stopped the drip and put me on oxygen for hours. To make a long story short, I had 17 ½ hours of prodromal labor, and 2 hours of pushing until I finally got to hold my little baby girl. I vowed I would never go through that again.

What Causes Prodromal Labor 

After countless hours of research, I have finally found a way to naturally induce labor that doesn’t involve harmful herbal treatments, causes diarrhea, and was unlike anything else I had already tried. It is called Maternity Acupressure, and it works to not only induce prodromal labor naturally but also helps with pain management during labor.

The book explains that “Stimulation of specific acupressure points starts labor in up to 93% women within 48 hours, sometimes in 25 minutes.” I couldn’t believe what I was reading !!! How can something so effective have eluded me before? Research also shows that maternity acupressure can shorten the delivery time by more than 2 hours for most women.

And can also give pain relief without interfering with contractions. I know that by the time our second child is due (in 17 weeks) I will be ready, and this baby will come out naturally business, and without the help of my doctor.

How Do I Know That I Am In Labor?

Every labor and delivery is different. The length and progress of labor can be remarkably different from mother to mother, and from birth to birth. There are several early signs, however, that will tell that your work is about to start and you are going to deliver your baby.

When you become pregnant with your baby, your body begins to prepare for giving birth and, at the same time, it nurtures the fragile fetus growing in your womb. Pregnancy is considered to be full-term after 38 or 40 weeks. This difference is due to various ways to count the length of the pregnancy.

Average Length Of Prodromal Labor?

When the length is calculated from the estimated day of fertilization, the pregnancy period is a couple of weeks shorter than that calculated from the start of the last menstruation. On average, pregnancy lasts about nine months.

How To Progress Prodromal Labor 

Every labor and delivery is different. How long the prodromal labor lasts and how fast or slow it progresses differs from woman to woman and from birth to birth. Some women experience very distinct signs of labor, while others do not.

Prodromal Labor Symptoms

There are several early signs that will tell that your labor is about to start and you are going to deliver your baby. Among these early labor, symptoms are loose bowel movements. The intestine commonly empties just before prodromal labor starts. A rapid decrease in the level of the hormone progesterone is being considered for causing this effect.

Another early sign of labor is a feeling of shivering or trembling that you might experience without any sensation of cold or weakness. Passing the mucus plug from the vagina (this is also called the “bloody show”) is a common early sign of prodromal labor, as well. This may happen one day or several weeks before labor begins or after a vaginal exam.

Labor can also start with a trickle or gush of water from the vagina. This means that the bag of water, meaning the amniotic sac that surrounds the baby, has broken.

No one knows exactly what causes prodromal labor to start or why so many pregnancies become overdue. One of the recent studies published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology (Vol. 132, June 2007) revealed that when the level of specific mRNA molecules in a mother’s blood circulation increases, the labor is about to begin.

What is interesting is that these molecules are of fetal origin. Could it be possible that the baby sends a message to the mother’s body when it’s time to deliver? What happens if the mother’s body doesn’t identify this message? Could that be one of the reasons why so many pregnancies become overdue and EDD are passed?

Holistic approaches aim to maintain an ideal balance and help our bodies to function better in various situations of life. This is how these methods help the mother’s body to be more sensitive to mutual communication between the mother and the baby during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Maternity Acupressure is a natural holistic method that helps the mother’s body to prepare for childbirth. Maternity Acupressure is beneficial, also, for the baby because it helps the baby to take the optimal position for the birth and to be engaged into the mother’s pelvis. The Maternity Acupressure method can also be used to induce labor naturally if pregnancy is already overdue.

Because of the high success rate, Maternity Acupressure has quickly become a popular natural labor induction remedy used by many professional pregnancies and prodromal labor caregivers. As Maternity Acupressure uses the only application of pressure on specific spots on the skin, it can be safely used at home with basic instructions.

Studies prove that over 83% of pregnant mothers using acupressure to induce prodromal labor naturally experience normal and natural childbirth with significantly fewer medical interventions than pregnant mothers who do not use this method.

Additionally, their labor time was shorter without signs of distress or hyperstimulation of the womb. On the contrary, acupressure seems to avert the mother and the baby to become distressed during prodromal labor and delivery.

Thus, holistic methods, such as Maternity AcupressureArticle Search, might have a remarkably beneficial effect in preparing the mother and baby for the birth that occurs at the right time in the most optimal manner.
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